Ask not how to follow through, ask what kind of team you have joined in!
不要问怎样才能坚持到底, 问一下你加入了什么团队!
来源:互联网摘选On your follow-through , the foot merely helps to hold your balance.
在收杆过程中, 你的右脚仅仅是帮助你保持平衡.
来源:互联网摘选Consistency: How often parents follow through with forewarned punishment, for instance.
一贯性: 例如:父母执行预先警告的惩罚的频度.
来源:互联网摘选Scepticism remains on whether Malaysia can follow through on its promises.
来源:互联网摘选In many instances, a lack of follow-through by the superior contributed to this failure.
在很多情况下, 主管缺乏 跟进 也是失败的原因之一.
来源:互联网摘选You have to have confidence in your ability, and then be tough enough to follow through!
你必须对你的能力有自信, 而且要坚持到底!
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